Recently, on a way-better-weather day, I spent some time hanging out with Sofie after a ride. And I had the brilliant idea that I would take some conformation shots outside.
My horse, historically, does not take good conformation pictures. She doesn't set up, doesn't square up, and stands really awkwardly in general.
Well, with legs like this, I guess you can't blame the girl...
But I persevered, and set her up outside. She was standing nicely! Yeah, this was going to work.
But. Then. She. Kept. Moving. I'd set her up, tell her to "stay", and step back to take the picture (because horses are more like landscapes than plant life. The Macro setting doesn't work!). And every time, inevitably, she would take a step toward me.
So I ended up with this:
Almost a decent shot, but not quite what I was hoping for.
Would've been a nice shot, but now it just looks like she's doing a very slow reining spin.
Oh, well. I guess unpretty conformation photos are the price you pay for a pony that loves you.
Impossible to take them by yourself. I always have to ask someone for help!